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    Program for the Construction of Zhejiang CDC Doctor-Patient Interaction Platform for Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP)

    Program for the Construction of Zhejiang CDC Doctor-Patient Interaction Platform for Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP)

    ITP is a clinically common hemorrhagic disease, accounting for about 1/3 of the total number of bleeding disorders, and its incidence rate is 4/100,000 to 10/100.000. Frequent clinical symptoms are dermatorrhagia and mucosal bleeding, but there may be visceral hemorrhage and even intracranial hemorrhage in severe cases; and some patients may suffer delayed healing and recurrent attack. At present, patients and the public generally are lack of prevention and treatment knowledge related to IPT; in the case of scarce medical resource, how to strengthen the interactive communication between doctors and patients, improve follow-up management on patients and enhance health education on the public is a challenge for the control and prevention of ITP disease. In October 2015, 3SBio launched the program named “The construction of Zhejiang CDC Doctor-patient Interaction Platform for Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP)” which was jointly carried out by Zhengjiang Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Zhengjiang Preventive Medicine Association, while being with the support of level hospitals.

    In order to explore the new mode of ITP prevention and control, Zhejiang CDC built a interaction platform for ITP doctors and patients with a WeChat official account (official account: zhejiangCDCITP). Through the platform, patients can upload clinical history and other medical information for accessing to health consultation from doctors, and also can make self-health management and have interactive communication between patients; and doctors can conduct dynamic follow-up and individualized diagnosis and treatment guidance on patients; CDC can carry out the popularization of prevention and treatment knowledge related to IPT for the public health, the impartment of patients health management skill and effectiveness evalsuation and other work through the platform. Also,the construction of the platform will help to relieve insufficient communication between doctors and patients due to too many numbers of visiting hospital, building a fast pass for the communication between doctors and patients.
